MyARC Exam Proctoring

General Information

The Academic Resource Center offers proctoring services for students who have been approved for testing accommodations through the ARC. During the fall and spring semesters, the Academic Resource Center provides testing accommodations in the ARC Testing Center, (located in the Leavey Center, Suite 338) Monday-Thursday from 8am-6pm and Friday from 9am-5pm. Students must reserve their space in the Testing Center by submitting a test reservation online, at least three (3) business days in advance of the examination. Please refer this page for information about exam proctoring; if after reading this page you still have questions, all testing-related questions should be sent to

Important Considerations

  • Professors always have the option of providing accommodations for students on their own.
  • Professors are under no obligation to provide testing accommodations for students who have not sent them their official ARC accommodation letters.

Note: in order to make a testing reservation, students must first request accommodation letters and include “Alternative Testing” in the letter. Please refer to our video for instructions on requesting student accommodation letters.

Late Request Consideration

If you are requesting a late addition to the ARC’s exam schedule, you must submit your request to In your email, you must include the following details (incomplete requests cannot be considered):

  • professor’s name
  • title of the class (for example, ACCT 101)
  • requested new date(s) and times
  • a brief explanation for why the request is late

All late requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Note: late requests may take up to 48 hours to process and may not be able to be accommodated. Therefore, you should plan to take your exam under standard exam administration circumstances with your professor while your late request is being considered. If the ARC is ultimately able to process your late request, you will be notified via email.

The Academic Resource Center does not process late exam requests on Saturdays and Sundays or outside of standard business hours.

Instructions for How to Reserve An Exam in the ARC Testing Center

Video instructions for Scheduling Exams in MyARC can be found at the link.

  1. Log in to the MyARC portal
  2. Click on “Alternative Testing” under the My Accommodations menu
  3. Within the box labeled “ARC Exam Accommodation Faculty Agreement(s),” select which class you would like to reserve an exam for, then click “Schedule Exam.” 
  4. Read through the terms and conditions of scheduling an exam in the ARC (in the yellow box), and review the class schedule and location for accuracy. 
  5. If your professor has already submitted the ARC Exam Accommodations Faculty Agreement form, you will be presented with an array of exam dates and types to choose from. Select the date and time of your desired reservation, indicate which approved testing accommodation(s) you will be using, and click “Add Exam Request.” You may also choose to add an additional note before submitting your reservation request. 
  6. If your professor has not yet completed the agreement form, you will indicate an exam type (quiz, midterm, final, standard exam), the date and time, and which approved testing accommodations you are going to use. You may also choose to add an additional note for the ARC staff. The final step is to click “Add Exam Request.”
    1. Please note that ARC staff will closely review your exam request(s) for courses that do not have a completed faculty agreement form, as we need to ensure that you take the exam on the correct date and time. Your professor will also have the opportunity to dispute an exam request if they notice that you have reserved an exam for an incorrect date or time. 
  7. ARC staff will review all exam reservations before approving them and may email you with questions. Once your reservation has been approved, you will receive an email notification. You will be able to see a summary of your exam request(s) on the Alternative Testing page of your MyARC portal.

The final exam guidelines for accommodated testing differs from the regular semester. Information is updated each semester on the Academic Resource Center website and registered students are emailed about the unique guidelines for finals.

Any questions regarding testing policies and procedures may be directed to

Test Submission Deadline Guide

***All exam requests are due three (3) business days before the exam date. Please note, weekends and university holidays are not counted as business days.***
If your exam is on……submit your test request by…
11pm Wednesday (the week before)
11pm Thursday (the week before)
11pm Friday (the week before)
11pm Monday (the same week)
11pm Tuesday (the same week)

Information for Students

Students who are eligible for accommodated testing can make arrangements to take their exams in the Academic Resource Center using the MyARC Student Portal.

Students who have been approved to take an exam via Zoom can access the Zoom room here . Students taking exams via Zoom should also review the ARC’s instructions for Zoom exams .

Information for Faculty

Once students have requested their seat via the online reservation system linked above, faculty should use the MyARC Faculty Portal to provide the ARC with the exam materials. To ensure proper formatting if the exam is to be printed, please upload the documents as PDFs. To provide exam materials by email, send PDFs to the ARC’s dedicated testing account:

Once a student has taken the exam, faculty or a departmental representative (e.g. a TA) can pick up completed exams at the ARC, Leavey Center, Suite 338. Please make sure to bring your GoCard.