Academic Support
Foreign Language Tutoring
Foreign Language Tutoring
NOTE: All tutoring will be virtual on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Are you currently studying a foreign language? The Academic Resource Center offers free drop-in tutoring sessions in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish . No appointment is needed!
Some ways that tutors can help include:
Reviewing complicated grammar concepts
Assisting with pronunciation
Helping you practice conversational skills
Providing tips to help you study
Fill out our tutoring feedback form here
Spring 2025 Schedule:
NOTE: All tutoring will be virtual on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Spring tutoring will run from January 26 through April 29. There will be no tutoring on the following dates:
2/16 through 2/17
3/2 through 3/9
4/16 through 4/21
All sessions take place from 8 to 10 PM.
Sundays: ICC 223B
Mondays: ICC 211B
Tuesdays: ICC 223B and Zoom (French Zoom link) NOTE: Tutoring will be virtual only on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Wednesdays: ICC 223B
Thursdays: ICC 223B
Mondays: ICC 219A
Tuesdays: ICC 219A and Zoom (Italian Zoom link; Passcode: Italian) NOTE: Tutoring will be virtual only on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Thursdays: ICC 219A
Mondays: ICC 212
Tuesdays: ICC 212 and Zoom (Japanese Zoom link) NOTE: Tutoring will be virtual only on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Wednesdays: ICC 212
Mondays: ICC 217A
Tuesdays: ICC 217A and Zoom (Korean Zoom link) NOTE: Tutoring will be virtual only on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Wednesdays: ICC 217A
Sundays: ICC 231
Mondays: ICC 211A
Tuesdays: ICC 231 and Zoom (Spanish Zoom link) NOTE: Tutoring will be virtual only on Tuesday, February 11, due to inclement weather
Wednesdays: ICC 231
Thursdays: ICC 231
Language Resources: