The Academic Resource Center strives to provide the most appropriate accommodations for each student based on documentation from a medical professional while encouraging students to take advantage of all available resources at Georgetown. Accommodations identical to those provided in previous educational settings are not guaranteed. Refer to the Documentation/Accommodation Guidelines.

Yes. Visiting students must provide documentation from a medical professional; a letter from the student’s home school’s disability support office is welcomed but not sufficient. Please note that we may request additional documentation if the nature of the request is unclear. Once appropriate documentation is received, the student must meet with the Disability/Learning Skills Advisor – School of Continuing Studies to determine accommodations and familiarize the student with policies and procedures in the Academic Resource Center.

The Academic Resource Center does not provide psychological testing; however, a student should send an email to arc@georgetown.edu for further information.

No. Requesting accommodations with the Academic Resource Center will not appear on students’ academic records or transcripts. Also, documentation provided to the Academic Resource Center does not become part of students’ files in their respective schools. 

Students who have been approved for testing accommodations through the ARC can make a reservation to take their exam in the ARC’s testing center.Instructions for how to make a test reservation are listed in the MyARC tab.

No, you are not eligible to be proctored by the Academic Resource Center. You should consult with your institution to determine how to handle test arrangements.