MyARC Notetaker Registration

Students with a Notetaker Accommodation: Log in to the MyARC Student Portal to access your notes.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a notetaker for the Academic Resource Center. Notetaking assistance is provided as an approved accommodation for students with documented disabilities. The process outlined below is reserved for students who would like to be included in the ARC’s notetaker pool.

If there is a class in which a registered student needs notes, the ARC will use the notetaker pool to match students interested in being a notetaker with the course. Each week, the notetaker will upload their notes directly to the MyARC portal. The notetaker will be paid (DC minimum wage) each week for the time it takes to organize and upload their notes (30 minutes per week, per course).

Steps to Create a MyARC profile and register as an ARC Notetaker:

  • Complete online registration for a MyARC Notetaker account.
  • If you are matched to a course where a notetaker is needed, the ARC will email you to confirm that you want the position and provide you with the hiring paperwork. You will need to promptly complete any necessary student hiring forms and submit I-9 documentation for tax processing. ARC staff will provide further instruction about what is needed during your initial correspondence.
  • Please note that if you are an F-1 visa international student, you will need to complete the process to get a Social Security Number to be paid. Be in contact with the Office of Global Services with questions about this process.

Steps if you already have a MyARC profile:

  • If you have an existing MyARC profile for academic or housing accommodations, please email and state you are interested in being a student notetaker. A staff member will add you to the notetaker pool on your MyARC profile.
  • If you have already signed up as an ARC notetaker, you will need to log in to the MyARC portal to request your assignments. This will let us know that you are available to be a notetaker this semester. Please note, if you would like to be in the notetaker pool, you must submit your availability each semester!

Notetaker Requirements:

  • Have an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher.
  • Take clear, comprehensive class notes (using legible handwriting or by typing).
  • Commit to providing notes for all live/synchronous sessions of the assigned course.

You should upload your notes to the MyARC portal each week. If you have handwritten notes, you can use scanners available throughout campus, such as the library, or use a free version of mobile apps like CamScanner or DocScan to turn photos of notes pages into files. Notes must be uploaded by 4pm every Friday (or shortly after your last class of the week). If you use abbreviations or symbols, make sure to explain them. Notes should be organized, comprehensive, and legible.